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INTEX Winter 2024 Project
INTEX is an abbreviation for "Integrated Experience," a project in which BYU Information Systems students are released from classes for a week to spend all their time on developing a web application. Over the course of four days, I and a team of 3 others spent about 90 hours each developing, an online storefront for a fictional LEGO influencer name Aurora Brickwell. Unfortunately the website is no longer online due to high costs and the limited budget of a college student, but the videos below demonstrate the app's functions and features. The app still functions locally--reach out to me if you'd like to check it out!
In this video, my teammate Mark demonstrates the basic layout and functionality of the app, including features exlusive to authenticated users and administrators.
In this video, my teammate Patrick demonstrates the app's user authentication and role-base access control capabilites.
The app uses machine learning algorithms to make product-based reccomendations to all users, to make user-based reccomendations to authenticated users, and to detect and flag orders that are likely to be fraudulent. My teammates çMark and Patrick walk through these features in the video below.
In this final video, I walk through the security considerations and features of our app, including HTTPS, HSTS, multi-factor authentication, third-party authentication, RBAC, database security, and CSP.
The application was extensively prototyped with Figma and built using ASP .NET MVC Core. The app and its two databases (one for products and other information, and one for identity and role-based access control) were all originally hosted on Microsoft Azure until no longer financially feasible.
Each member of the team contributed to every part of the application, but my largest contributions included designing the prototype, building and routing the product/products views, developing the identity-based features, and all security considerations.
INTEX Fall 2023 Project
For my first INTEX project, over the course of four days, I and a team of 3 others spent about 70 hours each developing Like my other project, this app is no longer hosted online, but can be run locally--reach out to me to check it out!
The web app is a tool for gethering and analyizing data regarding the relationship between social media usage and mental health. It was built with Node.js and deployed to the internet using AWS Elastic Beanstalk and coupled with a database hosted on RDS. The app features a survey for gathering data, a dashboard for analysis, and two administrator-only features: an "Add User" function and a full report of all survey responses.
The survey includes 21 questions regarding the respondent's social media usage and mental health. The results of each response are stored in the app's database (hosted on RDS for the online site) and used to inform the dashboard and report.
The dashboard feature is available to all the app's users and displays trends and insights for all survey respondents or for a selection of respondents based on filters. The dashboard was developed with Tableau.
Users logged into administrator accounts are able to add other users to the app's identity system and access the full report on each survey response. The report can be filtered to include only certain responses.